115 or 123 Degree Uprights? SWASH® is available with either 115° or 123° uprights. This refers only to the fixed angle of the most proximal visible curve in the uprights – it does NOT refer to the exact degree of abduction obtained while wearing the orthosis. Standing and walking functions of both uprights are very similar. Generally, the difference between the two are related to abduction in sitting, with the 123o uprights creating greater amount of abduction.
123 Degree - Wide Sitting Base When the greatest amount of adductor muscle lengthening in the sitting position is desired. When more trunk lumbar flexion influence is desired when sitting. When more lumbar extension is desired during gait.
115 Degree - Narrow Sitting Base The wearer is primarily chair mobile, and the 123° uprights would be too wide in the sitting position for the child to fit in chair or car seat, and a new chair or car seat is not an option. Adductors are too tight and the amount of abduction when sitting in the 123° uprights would be impossible or painful. When less trunk flexion influence is desired when sitting
Interchangeability of Components
- The sizes for all Pelvic Sections, Uprights, and Cuffs are interchangeable EXCEPT SWASH® STEADY Size 1
- The uprights almost always require trimming (after final fitting approval) so that the distal tips are level with the bottom of the cuff padding.