Class 3B Low Level Laser Therapy. Continuous and pulsed operation, fully variable pulse frequencies. Real-time feedback of energy delivered is displayed in joules or joules/cm². 15 user-defined memory slots on board. Built in acupuncture point finder. Innovative design allows for cart, table top, wall or mobile use. Choose from 17 different applicators available, including LED, laser diodes, and clusters (sold separately).
Discover the Swiss Dolorclast® High Power Laser Package, complete with cart and laser arm. This unique laser offers quick pain relief and inflammation reduction in just 5 minutes. With a 905nm wavelength, high peak power of 300W, and short pulse duration of 100ns, it effectively treats various indications, including tennis elbow, knee osteoarthritis, and more.
The Chattanooga Intelect Mobile Laser bundle includes the a fully functional Class 3B Low Level Laser Therapy device and offers the choice between a single applicator or double applicators.